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How our online process makes quick loans faster, more efficient and private

How our online process makes quick loans faster, more efficient and private

These days people are talking a lot about our rights to privacy, protecting your own data as well as just being able to make your own decisions without having to justify them to others. At MeLoan, we believe that your loans are indeed your business which is one of the primary drivers behind offering a secure, all-in-one online application process.

One of the chief criticisms of fast applications or even personal loan applications is that they involve a whole bunch of processes, forms and people that put your data through even more sets of hands, so to speak. Maybe you even know people that have had to speak to two, three, four people from the same organisation before they could even get an indication as to whether they would be approved. This only increases the stress around what may already be a pretty stressful time, depending on your circumstances and needs.

So often, we hear people asking if there is a better way because the drawn-out application methods with the confusion and the to-ing and fro-ing and the multiple applications, just isn’t working for them.

At last, here’s a simple loan application process that simply works

One of the reasons that people shy away from taking up the option of applying for a fast cash loan is that it just seems like a lot of trouble and bother. Even if the process seems like it might be fairly straightforward, what if the lender is not a good fit or your application is rejected? You’ll have to try again with another lender. If that fails, you try again, and again, and again until you’re either successful or you give up on the idea.

In other articles we have talked about the fact that some cash loans are sought because of an unforeseen circumstance with a very short timeframe attached to it, like a plumbing emergency. However, we also discussed how an opportunity or an event might trigger the desire for fast cash – think concert tickets, a spot sale or cheap flight tickets. And if your applications keep getting declined, you’re far more likely to simply give up on the idea and you’ve missed out on that experience you may have had your heart set on.

The good news is that there are businesses that broker loans and the point of difference often centres around convenience. To that end our process is based on simplicity where:

  • Your application through us here at MeLoan is matched to the lender that best suits your individual set of circumstances
  • You will find out, usually within that very same day, where you stand response-wise, which is great news if you were hoping to take advantage of that 72-hour flash sale!
  • We pass on your details to your lender for final approval and disbursement of funds

During this process, you haven’t had to discuss your circumstances with a bunch of people you don’t know, you’ve not had to fill out reams of paperwork, in fact, in most cases, your application will only take around 5-7 minutes and again, it’s all online.

Your data security is also a priority for us

Your data security is also a priority for us

You shouldn’t have to worry about who is privy to your personal details, circumstances and other loan application data. That’s your business. Sure, when a suitable lender has been identified, they will need your details but prior to that, the information you submit as part of the application process is heavily encrypted to offer you maximum peace of mind – these things can be stressful enough without having to worry about data security breaches as well. And in keeping with best practice, the process we adopt and encourage you to embrace is both paperless and, as we said, 100% online. Safe, secure and convenient.

But it’s not just about convenience, it’s also about confidence. Confidence in our ability to connect you with the right lender, confidence that your time will not be wasted, confidence that we also prioritise your privacy comes as standard with the MeLoan service. If you would like to learn more [link to contact us] or apply now [link to apply now button], we would like to see you getting a crucial step closer to receiving the best possible outcome for you. If you would simply like to understand more about our process and what that might look like for you, feel free to visit our website [link to “how it works” page].

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