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Apply in minutes With Our Lending Partner CashPal

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We’ll access multiple lenders and match you with the best possible option

We’ll access multiple lenders and match you with the best possible option

Is there anything more frustrating that having to manage multiple loan applications with multiple lenders while hoping one of them will see you side of the story and approve your cash loan application? Probably, but nothing springs to mind when you’re backed into a corner and need fast cash quickly.

As if being in a tight financial spot and needing a short-term loan wasn’t bad enough, because of your circumstances, you might have decided to hedge your bets and apply with any number of potential lenders. The result will ultimately hinge on who is the best fit and is most comfortable with entering into an agreement with you. This is essentially speed-dating where the pay off is a quick loan and you may not have any intention of calling again once the deal is done. Not the ideal way to try and secure a loan.

In all seriousness, this really is a shining example of “doing things the hard way.” The good news? There’s always an easier way.

There’s a hard way, an easy way and our way – which is the easy way

These days, there are a variety of lenders that can shorten or even circumvent traditional application methods. By traditional methods we mean, standing in line at the bank to make an appointment with arms full of documentation hoping this is your lucky day. There are so many online loans and short-term loans avenues you can go down but when time really does matter, that’s actually part of the problem.

By following our simple application process here [link to apply button] we will match your unique set of circumstances to the lending criteria set out by lenders who are most likely to be able to help you out. This is far simpler than sifting through responses and requests for more information from potential lenders that, frankly, may not be in a position to help you when all’s said and done. Very frustrating and yes, that’s the hard way.

Instead, our process:

  • Provides quick answers to quick loan application enquiries
  • Matches to the lender that may suit you best
  • Accelerates the process as most applications only take around 5 minutes
  • Emphasises efficiency, privacy and peace of mind as our process is 100% online – you can stay right where you are and carry on with your day

Things are a lot simpler, clearer and easier to manage when you’re dealing with a single source of truth. Here at Me Loan, our non-partisan approach means that we are not obligated to send your business to a particular lender. As far as we’re concerned, it’s all about you and what works best for your circumstances – no matter what they may be.

Lenders are all different, we understand that, we understand you and that’s our difference

Lenders are all different, we understand that, we understand you and that’s our difference

These days, there are a very wide variety of loans out there and lenders will have differing levels of comfort with different types of loans. There are some that will baulk at bad credit, others will walk away if you insist that you need the funds that same day, don’ t have a regular income or you’re relying on Centrelink for the time being? That can scare some lenders off. Some, not at all.

Whatever your particular circumstances, believe or not, there are often lenders out there that are prepared to work with you. Yes, there may be different terms and conditions that you will need to factor in if you need a fast cash loan or perhaps just a comparatively small loan but there are lenders that are set up to help in these situations.

Now it may be that there are 40 lenders out there cold possibly help. Maybe yes. Maybe no. You don’t want to have to try and pick the four or five that feel right and hope you contacted the right lender on the right day. That’s not smart, it’s not efficient and it may just do your head in. Why not just leave it to us by applying here [link to apply button]. That’s your first step taken care of.

Our job is then to find the right lender and help them understand your unique set of circumstances so you can get on and do what you need to do.

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